Tuesday 22 April 2008

The Black Box by William Cook

This is a new Historical Fiction Book written by a new author William Cook. The book is based on the writings of W.Bourne Cooke in his book of the same title 'The Black Box'. W.Bourne Cooke died in 1935 and the author has used the 'Death of Author' 70 years on clause in copyright.
The main character Michael Fane remains the same, but any other similarities are soon lost! In the original Michael Fane is also sentenced to death at the hands of Judge George Jeffreys but is reprieved in the final chapter. In this version Michael is sentenced to death by the method used during the 'Bloody Assize' 'Stumped and Pitched' a brutal sentence given only in matters of treason. In the new version Michael is rescued by a new character Captain William Derbyshire and together they flee the Civil War and join Prince William of Orange and begin the building of an army that eventually invades England in the 'Glorious Revolution'.
In W.Bourne Cooke's original there is a passing reference to 'Concerning one Dan Foe'. Daniel Defoe as he later became by deed poll was indeed a 'soldier of fortune' during the failed attempt by James Duke of Monmouth and the doomed Battle of Sedgemoor. The new book features Daniel Defoe as a main player in the story. He and William Derbyshire teach Michael the art of swordplay.
Another new character Peter Blood who, depending on your historical viewpoint was a real live Doctor who after being sentenced to deportation by the same Judge Jeffreys and was played by Errol Flynn in the Holywood film 'Captain Blood'. Most historians would claim that the character Captain Blood was actually based on the real pirate Henry Morgan, but with the clever use of the Pirates ship 'The Sea Hawk' then Michael serves with the pirate and together they rescue James Duke of Monmouth from the clutches of King Louise X1V where the Duke has been placed in the famous tale of 'The Man in the Iron Mask'. Indeed history supports this as King James 11 would not have been allowed to execute the fated Duke by order of the Pope.
There are several 'real life' villians that Michael encounters the first being Robert Ferguson one of the 'ring leaders' in the failed attempt to assassinate James 11 in the famed 'Rye House Plot'. The other being Colonel Percy Kirke the infamous 'Butcher of Sedgemoor'.
The 'Black Box' itself is known to have existed and held the forged documents of marriage between King Charles and his lover Lucy Walters. They did indeed have a male child believed to James Duke of Monmouth. The fact that King Charles groomed Monmouth for warefare and gave him the title of Duke of Monmouth supports this.

The book itself is a rivotting tale of deceipt and bloodshed, although the publishers Diggory Press could have done a better job on the actual format of the works. Yet it still provides one of the best tales of that period. The follow up books three and four will be far better formatted and include the characters of O'Carroll and Simon Lovelock. O'Carroll although historically was not living during that time was in fact the greatest ever living swordsman and the use of the sword 'Churchill' is very much in keeping. In book three the story branches out into Arthurian legend, indeed in such a clever fashion that you will find yourself asking the question 'does this make more common sense than any other version ever written'.
The Black Box by William Cook is available here http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/1846857201/ref=nosim/bookbutlercom-20

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